The Neuro Rainbow Project is a space driven on principles of authenticity, empathy and community embracing and unmasking the culture of social constructs and ideals of the neurodivergent and disabled community exploring the political, social and cultural aspects of the neurodivergent experience. Providing a safe space for the colourful spectrum of the neurodivergent, disabled and mental health rainbow representing Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia etc. to provide a space to talk about all aspects of disability exploring social identity, politics, economics and culture of being disabled

With the Neuro Rainbow Project delivers podcasts, videos, blogs and multi-media interactive content produced by Autisticly Aar. You can listen to the flagship podcast Neuro Rainbow Project weekly with episodes focusing on feature length interviews exploring issues and themes of conversations within the neurodivergent community. As also covered in ou You can find the podcast by searching on your preferred podcasting platforms

Explore The Rainbow

Explore all the colourful content exploring the neurodivergent community from podcasts, blogs, articles, videos and social media channels and communities.


Listen, watch, subscribe and share Pacifying with Autisticly Aar. Pacifying with Autisticly Aar is a unique podcast chronicling the creature comforts of neurodivergent people of what heals soothes and pacifies us. In a world where neurodivergent people experience trauma and burnout need to have the freedom to have the safety to unmask and be their authentic selves for the sake of our own health. Celebrating stimming pride and self care influenced by Autisticly Aar’s focused interests


Looking at the policy and politics of disability and what matters to disabled voters. Creating a conversation that explores the rights, justice for, case for equity and equity, representing diversity of voices of getting understanding of how can make politics accessible for disabled and neurodivergent people. Speaking on politics hear in the U.K and abroad at a once in a generation turning point moment in politics. It’s now the moment to talk about disability

Neuro Rainbow Cast

Autisticly Aar chats to those with neurodivergent minds living neurodivergent lives driving change from the world of radio, comedy, social media content creation, activist, advocates and those who work in public services supporting other neurodivergent people in healthcare, education and beyond. For now catch up on over forty episodes of the podcast so far by watching on Facebook, YouTube and Spotify and listen on YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Audible and Apple Podcasts

Rainbow Reads

Rainbow Cast Player