Get to know Sara Jane Harvey

Sara was the first guest on the podcast in 2023 where she talked about her return to advocacy and activism and sense of social injustice, parenting, and her disabilities that include autism and Elhers Danlos Syndrome. Giving one of the most candid and personal interviews I’ve hosted on the podcast.

Since the interview Sara has spoken about being diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder where a person can switch between different identities and associated from their primary identity they have grown up as and people see them as. Sara has personalities and alters she switches what is most involuntary including alters Mike and Elliot. Dissociative identity disorders are often acquired from complex trauma which Sara has hinted to on her social media account @agonyautie

Sara since announcing her return to public activism and advocacy has changed her approach of what for many years did with public speaking and consultancy work. She is an artist and very creative and talented person who creates visual art which has been therapeutic in dealing with her trauma producing abstract paint strokes and splatters to reflecting her own emotions and feelings in portraits on canvas. As well as producing paintings she is a writer and actor performing her first show exploring her trauma and identity disorder ‘Neuro Chatter’ in the U.K this year.

She has also trained in integrative somatic trauma therapy, in polyvagal theory in yoga